Finding Happiness: One Students Journey to a Thriving Education

When asked the most significant impact that Xceed Preparatory Academy has had on her life, without hesitation 17-year-old Mya Kushner answers, “It has made me happier.”
While attending a traditional high school during her freshman year, Mya found herself struggling a bit and dealing with depression. That is when her mom began looking for a private school that would better fit Mya.
“Initially, I was going to Western High School and I didn’t like it,” stated Mya. “I didn’t connect well with the students or teachers.”
After finding information about Xceed through an online search Mya and her mother decided to check out the Weston Campus.
“Xceed’s educational philosophy was different and unlike anything I had ever heard of before,” said Mya.
What attracted me was the flexibility of being able to work at my own pace.”
“I noticed that a lot of the students at Xceed are involved in competitive sports and have to travel for competitions and they can continue working on their education without missing anything and that flexibility was something I wanted as well,” Mya explained.
While Mya isn’t involved in competitive sports, her classes’ flexibility allows her to pursue her passions outside of school – playing the piano and aerial silks, the art of performing acrobatic movements and poses while hanging from columns of fabric.
Having the opportunity to earn an excellent education while exploring interests outside school would never have been possible for Mya in a traditional school setting.
Mya often felt overlooked at her traditional high school and felt like another face in the crowd.
“I had trouble in math and there were times I didn’t understand what we were learning,” stated Mya. “Often, teachers at my old school would say we’re going to move on; you’ll understand it later.”
At Xceed, she no longer feels ignored. She has found that the small teacher-to-student ratio has helped her excel in her education and build relationships with her teachers.
Mya especially likes her math teacher Mr. Cody Majewski.
“He is super chill and more like a friend that you could hang out with,” said Mya. “He teaches us, but he is also our friend. He relates well to his students.”
Many parents may worry about allowing their students to work at their own pace and have a certain amount of control over what they choose to focus on at school. But Mya says that teachers at Xceed won’t let you get too far behind. “They aren’t going to force you to do your work, but they’ll make sure you keep on track,” she said.
Both Mya and her mother have been pleased since finding Xceed.
“Xceed is a great environment for all different types of students. The small campus and student population means that it isn’t over stimulating and the teachers are very accommodating.”
“Any student looking for a place where they fit in and thrive should look into Xceed,” says Mya.
“You have to be driven to do your work because no one is going to stand over you to force you to do anything. Self-motivation is important,” stated Mya. “But other than that, it’s a fun environment. I have my friend group, everybody knows everybody, because it’s so small, and everybody’s super friendly, the teachers are awesome. It really can be life-changing.”

Mya aspires to pursue a career in medicine and was recently informed that she has been accepted into the prestigious Tufts University 2022 Summer Pre-College Programs Mini-Med School.
“She is certainly one of the best and brightest students at Xceed,” said Kenneth Bass, M.Ed., head of school for the Weston Campus. “I am so proud of her dedication and commitment to learning and excelling in all of her courses.”